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Re: Pingus Windows Installer

From: Erik Søe Sørensen
Subject: Re: Pingus Windows Installer
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 00:38:16 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007

Neil Mitchell wrote:
But it probably won't
hurt to add a message box that the user must read the GPL (not that many
will do, but that's not our problem) before running the game the first

Maybe the place for a message like this is on the website, before the user
downloads the game. This way we don't destroy the experience of the game (or
worry people unnecessarily, given that the GPL won't even be readable on
Windows machines), and we can still say they had a reasonable chance to read
it. The less legal stuff before a user and a game the better.

Surely the (no-)warranty statement should be displayed by the installation program and not in the game itself?

> Easily done but it means you can't have more than one installation per
> machine. A better idea would be to get the path of the program .exe,
> and then tag data on to the end of that. I can supply code to do that,
> but can't compile a binary so can't test it.

I suppose a third option is to create a .pif file with the 'start directory' set to whatever. (I think it's .pif files that allow you to do that).

How many etheth are there in Miththiththippi?

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