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running speech-dispatcher-0.7.1 in system mode

From: Steve Holmes
Subject: running speech-dispatcher-0.7.1 in system mode
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 11:16:13 -0700

On Thu, Oct 07, 2010 at 04:11:47AM -0400, Trevor Saunders wrote:
> I think we should port over the opentts patch to provide a default user
> and paths that are system wide to be used with a --system flag.
> Personally I think system wide is a better default especially if we
> don't allow clients to set other clients settings, but this is really an
> issue of how $distro works, so it really should be up to them.

Yes, I agree.  This way, you have flexibility and easier choice.  This
way, when the package is installed by any kind of install script, it
wouldn't have to hack around and edit config files on the fly.  It
could just provide a central launch start script which would start
speechd as a system service but if the user prefers to run it as a
user session, just don't run the startup script and import the config
files instead.

> proposal.  I'm curious why you are so opposed to speech dispatcher
> running as a system service?

Yeah, it seems like the latest rage lately.  Why not make either
option equally available.

BTW, Arch Linux still does not use Pulse Audio and given the still,
on-going problems with it, I hope it stays that way.

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