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Re: [avr-chat] Avrdude : how to slow it down ?

From: Vincent Trouilliez
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] Avrdude : how to slow it down ?
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 14:08:39 +0200

> In 'par.c', set the SLOW_TOGGLE #define to '1' and recompile.  This
> slows down the clocking and is mostly intended as a debugging option,
> not really intended to be user settable.  But as you said, you have
> the source so the world is your oyster :-)
> -Brian

He he, actually after searching  all header files and a few source files
I had spotted this option and had already turned the flag on ! :-)
Seems to work, but of course it's too slow now ;-) I am currently
downloading my 4.5KB program, 200s have elapsed and only 15% of it is
done ! ;o)

Does the   "usleep(1000);" instruction in your code mean 1000 micro
seconds delay ? Sounds likely, as that would give me about 500 as a baud
rate I guess, which is most likely what I am seeing right now !! ;o)
I think I will replace the constant with a #define at the top of the
file, and reduce it to 100, will make it 5000 Bauds which is a lot
faster, yet still a lot slower than the original 125,000 Bauds I get
without the artificial delay !
There must be a good compromise to be found somewhere.
Maybe that would be an idea for a future version of avrdude, put an
option to let people lower the speed (not THAT much ;-) to help them
with cable problems (if just to rule the cable out, or confirm the

Okay, 600s and 45% done, almost there lol ! I guess we need a "Cancel"
button somewhere now lol ;-)


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