On Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 9:57 AM Michael Albinus <
michael.albinus@gmx.de> wrote:
> > > Is it possible to give them a unique prefix, like `eglot-test-'?
> >
> > Yes, do that please. I think this makes sense, although the test
> > symbols aren't exactly bound to functions and it is a nuisance to
> > always type this long boring prefix. If only there was some
> > namespacing mechanism in Emacs that could alleviate that.. oh wait ;-)
> I've renamed the tests.
Thanks. But shouldn't it be "eglot-tests" (with trailing 's') to match the
file name eglot-tests.el? I'm sorry I didn't notice this before.
Also another comment about your earlier commit.
+ (temporary-file-directory ert-remote-temporary-file-directory))
+ ;; We must check the remote LSP server. So far, just "clangd" is used.
+ (let ((default-directory temporary-file-directory))
+ (unless (executable-find "clangd" 'remote)
+ (ert-skip "Remote clangd not found")))
+ (funcall fn)))
I don't think it's correct to check for "clangd" specifically in
'eglot--call-with-tramp-test', because that restricts its usefulness.
Isn't the following better and still correct?
diff --git a/test/lisp/progmodes/eglot-tests.el b/test/lisp/progmodes/eglot-tests.el
index d8c9560f5b..509e7e7d82 100644
--- a/test/lisp/progmodes/eglot-tests.el
+++ b/test/lisp/progmodes/eglot-tests.el
@@ -1265,20 +1265,25 @@ eglot--call-with-tramp-test
(tramp-verbose 1)
(temporary-file-directory ert-remote-temporary-file-directory)
(default-directory temporary-file-directory))
- ;; We must check the remote LSP server. So far, just "clangd" is used.
- (unless (executable-find "clangd" 'remote)
- (ert-skip "Remote clangd not found"))
(funcall fn)))
+(cl-defmacro eglot--with-tramp-test (() &body body)
+ (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
+ `(eglot--call-with-tramp-test (lambda () ,@body)))
(ert-deftest eglot-test-tramp-test ()
"Ensure LSP servers can be used over TRAMP."
:tags '(:expensive-test)
- (eglot--call-with-tramp-test #'eglot-tests--auto-detect-running-server-1))
+ (eglot--with-tramp-test ()
+ (skip-unless (executable-find "clangd" 'remote))
+ (eglot-tests--auto-detect-running-server-1)))
(ert-deftest eglot-test-tramp-test-2 ()
"Ensure LSP servers can be used over TRAMP."
:tags '(:expensive-test)
- (eglot--call-with-tramp-test #'eglot-tests--lsp-abiding-column-1))
+ (eglot--with-tramp-test ()
+ (skip-unless (executable-find "clangd" 'remote))
+ (eglot-tests--lsp-abiding-column-1)))
(ert-deftest eglot-test-path-to-uri-windows ()
(skip-unless (eq system-type 'windows-nt))
> But there is no need to type the long test
> names, use completion.
In general completion systems can't guess that I want to make
a test `eglot-test-a-new-test-im-about-to-write`. And there's also
the clutter of overly long names which seriously impairs readability.
This is a longstanding problem and recurring argument here. I won't
go into it except to note that if you were to apply this patch:
@@ -1317,4 +1317,5 @@ eglot-test-same-server-multi-mode
;; Local Variables:
;; checkdoc-force-docstrings-flag: nil
+;; read-symbol-shorthands: (("et-" . "eglot-tests-"))
;; End:
then you could just type _and_ read `et-` every time and
the symbol et-foo would be read and interned as
eglot-tests-foo. And you could keep longhand mentions
to eglot-tests-foo in there as well, and they would also map
to the same symbol.
But this is not allowed practice yet in the Emacs repo.
Unfortunately, IMO.