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Re: [glob2-devel] mercurial switch

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] mercurial switch
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 21:22:20 -0400

I agree with the mercurial switch.

I don't think an cvs history import is really that nesseccarry. We can
backup and maintain a copy using CVS, and get history from it. I
personally don't use it allot except for recent changes, and I've
never felt the need to do a diff with a 4 year old version of a file
with the current version. As long as we maintain the old CVS, on a
read only mode, the web interface on Savanahha can be used to look on
old files.

The only real loss is recent changes and the ability to compare
distance versions, which hasn't come in particularly usefull. While
there are certainly "fundamental" problems that people stick by and
having old copies is ohh so usefull just in case, from a practical
point of view (and from the point of view from the current developer),
they aren't really that usefull. I've never felt the need to use those
kinds of features. Great in theory.

But in reality development will not be hindered by cutting off version
and history information from Mercurial. The data is still available in
CVS if its absolutely nesseccarry. From a practicall point of view of
what actually goes on (no theory or thoughts or ideas), its just not

As long as we import the sources at some point of low activity (right
after 0.8.23 release), I don't see any problems with a switch.

Really. I'm not lieing. Bradley Arsenault.

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