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Re: [glob2-devel] mercurial switch

From: Kai Antweiler
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] mercurial switch
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 10:36:13 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) XEmacs/21.4.20 (linux)

> First of all we rarely need to look into history as it is. I've done
> it maybe once, and it was to look at my own revision to see if I made
> a mistake.

Well there are a lot of things you haven't done so far.
Doesn't mean that those wouldn't be an improvement.
Glob2 code is patchwork.  If you want to understand it,
you might have to look at the time when it was written.

> Secondly if its going to cause problems there really isn't a need to
> backup the history into mercurial just because its "easier".

Making things easy is the whole point, otherwise it will rarely be used
as you said.

> The Savannaha CVS access from the website is quite good, I can get a
> revision of the file I want in 30 seconds or less.

Oh, please!
First:  You would have to know beforehand which file(s) you want to
        look at.
Second: Web-browsers are not a good way to deal with text.
Third:  I would like to see glob1 or the realistic glob2 graphics.
        I can't.  Sometime in the future you might want to look
        how glob2 improved over time.  Or what the old game felt like.
        That's called nostalgia.  With changes in data structure you
        will likely fail to reproduce old glob2.  If old glob2 is
        not maintained by someone or some programm it will get lost.
Fourth: The original developers might want to look a the game they
        programmed.  Same could be true for you in a few years, if
        development gets passed to the next generation.

Never forget that you, what have done, what you are doing and what you will
do is going to be history too.
Kai Antweiler

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