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Re: [glob2-devel] mercurial switch

From: Stéphane Magnenat
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] mercurial switch
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 17:26:47 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6

> (and I'm not sure Kai, but I think I saw Nct got a 1 terrabyte server, I
> might be wrong though)

I have enough bandwidth but the disk space is rather limited.

The whole idea of mercurial is distributed development. So if contributors 
publish their repositories on their own web sites and there is an official 
maintainer who merges into the official upstream regularly, we can imagine 
putting everything on I could then provided a backup 
copy of this rep (and do debian nightly build) and as the system is 
distributed, branching off it is perfectly ok.

The big question: is there anyone who want to do this maintainer job?
We need someone with good uptime ;-)


P.S. As you have seen, I'm now using address as the friend who 
was paying forgot to do so and we lost the domain :-(


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