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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] arch lkml

From: Bruce Stephens
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] arch lkml
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 21:55:47 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Mark Thomas <address@hidden> writes:


> The only situation that the user need care about tags is when
> creating the file (or when duplicating it).  I suppose you could
> make a special string like:
> <punct> arch-tag: new
> cause arch to replace it with some unique id when it's first
> committed.  If that was a uuidgen style string-o-random-characters
> people could just ignore them as "Arch goop".

And that's the point, really.  It's Arch goop designed to make the
relatively infrequent operation of moving files marginally easier.
It's a cute idea, but the problem it ingeniously solves doesn't seem
important---other systems require you to tell them when you're moving
files (and usually when you're adding or deleting them), and that
really doesn't seem to be problematic.

And the only alternative, if you want to record these infrequent (but
certainly important) operations is to use explicit tags, which at
present means you need to double the number of files and directories,
and everything gets messy.  (This isn't strictly true, I know.  I use
the tagline method, and mostly rely on naming; when I want to rename a
file, I explicitly tag it, then rename it.  But that would be risky if
working with too many other branches.)


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