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Re: Format of -dshow-available-fonts output

From: Aaron Hill
Subject: Re: Format of -dshow-available-fonts output
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2018 07:14:18 -0700
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.3.6

On 2018-07-17 02:27, Urs Liska wrote:
Hi, when running with the -dshow-available-fonts option I get (among
others) a list of font familes with entries like the following:

family Verdana

family Kepler Std
Kepler Std,Kepler Std Light Cn Disp:style=Light Condensed Display,Regular

What do the different output formats refer to: some with a ":style="
part, some with direct font names.

And in some cases I find multiple entries for a font family

family Helvetica LT Std
 Helvetica LT Std:style=Oblique,Italic
family Helvetica LT Std
 Helvetica LT Std,Helvetica LT Std Cond:style=Bold Condensed,Bold
family Helvetica LT Std
 Helvetica LT Std,Helvetica LT Std Cond:style=Condensed,Regular

(with many more entries in this case).

And these mixes of font name conventions:

family Helvetica Neue LT Std
 Helvetica Neue LT Std,HelveticaNeueLT Std Cn:style=77 Bold Condensed
Oblique,Bold Italic

I'm somewhat confused what to make out of this diverse information.

I'm looking into this because I'd like to try making a better dialog
for showing fonts in Frescobaldi.

Here is documentation on FontConfig's naming convention:

LilyPond's output is similar to what you get from `fc-list : family style`.

Oddly, LilyPond has support to show the file path for a font, but it doesn't select that property when building the object set. In (as of 2.19.82), the call to FcObjectSetBuild probably should include FC_FILE as well.

On your system, try running `fc-list : file family style`. You can see if the file paths are unique for the apparent duplicates you are seeing, which is what I would expect to be the case.

-- Aaron Hill

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