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Re: Format of -dshow-available-fonts output

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: Format of -dshow-available-fonts output
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2018 22:37:32 +0200
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Am 17.07.2018 um 22:24 schrieb Aaron Hill:
On 2018-07-17 12:52, Urs Liska wrote:
Of course I can use the fontconfig commands to investigate the matter,
but in the end I'll have to take what LilyPond reports. I'm a little
bit disappointed that it doesn't tell me the filenames.

That is something we could file a bug against.  The code, as I mentioned, *would* show the filename if FC_FILE had been included.  To match the default behavior of fc-list, LilyPond should probably be outputting file+family+style at a minimum.

Further tests have shown that my initial impression of reversed
style/fontname matches was wrong. The number of items left and right
of the colon vary wildly, and my current conclusion is:

 * Each entry covers exactly one font face (= font file)
 * One or more names (left side) are synonymous
 * One or more styles (right side) are synonymous as well

That would seem to make sense to me.

Take this example (the formatting is already the result of parsing
into Python objects:

EB Garamond
['EB Garamond', 'EB Garamond 08']
['08 Italic', 'Cursiva', 'kurzíva', 'kursiv', 'Πλάγια', 'Italic',
'Kursivoitu', 'Italique', 'Dőlt', 'Corsivo', 'Cursief', 'Kursywa',
'Itálico', 'Курсив', 'İtalik', 'Poševno', 'Etzana']
EB Garamond
['EB Garamond', 'EB Garamond 08']
['Standard', '08 Regular', 'Normal', 'obyčejné', 'Κανονικά',
'Regular', 'Normaali', 'Normál', 'Normale', 'Standaard', 'Normalny',
'Обычный', 'Normálne', 'Navadno', 'Arrunta']
EB Garamond SC
['EB Garamond SC', 'EB Garamond SC 08']
['Standard', '08 Regular', 'Normal', 'obyčejné', 'Κανονικά',
'Regular', 'Normaali', 'Normál', 'Normale', 'Standaard', 'Normalny',
'Обычный', 'Normálne', 'Navadno', 'Arrunta']

The plain string is the "font family".
The first Python list is the comma-separated first part of the entry,
the second list the comma-separated list following ":style="

I would read this as having two independent variants "EB Garamond" and
"EB Garamond SC" where both can be addressed with an alias "... 08".
EB Garamond is available in two styles: Italic and Regular, with both
styles having numerous aliases. The SC variant is only available as
Regular with numerous aliases.

Does this sound reasonable?

That would also make sense.

Oh my, then again I get:

Aachen Std
['Aachen Std,Aachen Std Bold']

where I can't imagine the two being synonyms. But

$ fc-list : family style | grep "Aachen Std"
Aachen Std,Aachen Std Bold:style=Bold,Regular

seems to confirm LilyPond's report.

I have the feeling I'm running against the same walls I had been running  when I tried to enable LilyPond to load notation fonts from system installed fonts (which failed because fontconfig refused to admit that when it doesn't find an exact match and instead insists on returning a fallback font).

-- Aaron Hill

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