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Re: [Monotone-devel] Summit brainstorming

From: Ulf Ochsenfahrt
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Summit brainstorming
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 00:00:11 +0200
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20061013)

Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker wrote:
In message <address@hidden> on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 22:39:48 +0200, Ulf Ochsenfahrt 
<address@hidden> said:

ulf> Excepting Richard Levitte, who we'd have to fly in anyway. Are
ulf> there any direct flights from Hannover to Stockholm?

I checked how much a ticket would be in a couple of weeks, and it was
pricier than I thought, about 300 EUR.  It's about 100 EUR cheaper to
go to Berlin.  Ryan Air has flights to Hamburg (by landing in Lübeck),

Yeah, to Hamburg... It's actually the airport in Lübeck, which is quiet some way from Hamburg.

I've got a car, I could pick you up in Lübeck, Rostock (Rostock-Laage is the airport), or Hamburg. If we meet in Berlin, I can pick you up at the airport if necessary (going by public transport might be faster than by car though).

Btw. I find google maps a good resource:
When you go to that page, you should be able to discern Essen, Hamburg, and Berlin - they are all in northern Germany. Zoom in one level and you should be able to see Hamburg, Lübeck (north-east of Hamburg), and Rostock (east of Hamburg). Rostock is where I live. From Rostock to Lübeck is about an hour by car. Hannover is about half-way between Essen and Berlin (and thus, south of Hamburg); about 2 1/2 hours from Lübeck, by car.

and I've no idea how close that is or how much it will be to get from
Lübeck to wherever we meet...

Otherwise, I'd be thrilled with more or less any city.  So far, I've
only visited Münick and Lübeck...

The two cities under consideration right now (further proposals are of course still accepted) for the 'European summit' are Hannover and Berlin.



-- Ulf

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