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Re: [Monotone-devel] Questions pertaining Eclipse Integration

From: Ulf Ochsenfahrt
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Questions pertaining Eclipse Integration
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 21:59:35 +0200
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20061013)


I'll try pasting together the answers from Richard and Timothy.

- How does monotone select a (default) key to sign?

If you only have one private key, monotone will choose it (I think, I
haven't tested that for a while).
If _MTN/options has a key identity in it, monotone will choose that.
Otherwise, you specify a key identity once, and its identity will be
saved in _MTN/options.

So basically, I first have to check mtn automate keys, and check if more then one private key is returned. Additionally, I have to check mtn automate get_option key, to see if a key was set for the particular workspace.

That gives 6 possibilities:
1. no private key, no key set -> error, can't commit
2. no private key, key set -> error, can't commit
3. one private key, no key set -> private key is default
4. one private key, key set -> if both keys are the same, that one is default, if set key doesn't exist and isn't overriden, I can't commit 5. mult private key, no key set -> no default key, have to choose for commit with --key= 6. mult private key, key set -> set key is default, if exists, can be overriden with --key=, if set key doesn't exist and isn't overriden, I can't commit

- Why is "automate get_option" not described in the manual?

It would be nice if someone wrote a description.

- How can I add a directory non-recursively?

I'm not sure you can.  If you want to add specific files in a
directory, just add them, the directory itself will be added
automagically if needed.

...why doesn't add take --depth? Anyway, aside from changing that, you
can probably just add the directory and then drop all its children.

It would be nice to have a --non-recursive/--no-depth option, if the current is to stay the default. (Or conversely, add a --depth option and change the default to not add files recursively.)

Adding the directory and then dropping the children isn't really an option. It invites quite a number of problems. What if a child is deleted in the meantime? What if the subtree is huge? Also, you'd have to recursively go through all subdirectories and first remove all their children. (I just checked, mtn drop returns an error message for a non-empty directory.)

- How can I suppress the automatic commit message dialog and get an error instead if no message was given on the command line?

--rcfile=- is a useable option, but when used with automate stdio, you'd have to know all information with regard to the rcfile before the mtn subprocess is started, or you have to start a new mtn subprocess, which severely limits its usability for frontend integration (e.g. Eclipse).

It would be nice to have a global --non-interactive option, that makes mtn always return an error instead of asking on the console/starting an editor process. Alternatively, it might implicitly set this option, if the stdin/stdout isn't a console.


-- Ulf

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