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Re: [RP] CVS updates

From: Gergely Nagy
Subject: Re: [RP] CVS updates
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 14:39:43 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.12i

Thus spoke Ryan Yeske <address@hidden> on 2001-02-15 01:24:06:
> Martin Samuelsson <address@hidden> writes:
> 1) basically, how should binding a command to a key work (from a user
> perspective) during runtime?
> I can imagine typing
> C-t:bindkey f exec xterm -e ssh foo.bar

This one sounds better I think.

> as one possibility.  maybe something more interactive?
> C-t:bindkey
> What key? f
> What command? exec xterm -e ssh foo.bar

Isn't this too emacsish ? :>

> 2) how should this all work within a .ratpoison config file?

Like with C-t:. The config file would contain something like this:
## ratpoison config file
## bind G to gimp
bindkey G exec gimp
## start up with an Emacs (better than an XTerm, isn't it ? :)
exec emacs21
## EOF

This could be parsed in the same way as C-t: is parsed, only comments
should be ignored (Have a command named # which does nothing and
they're ignored :)

BTW, could someone add an alias command please (only after
.ratpoisonrc supportof course) ? I keep typing C-t:close instead of
C-t:delete and its frustrating :)

Oh! Another idea! In the README, it is said:
You'll also be pleased to hear that there is NO ratpoison.conf to

So, if you want to maintain this state, key bindings will be lost
when you quit RP (you shouldn't do that, but if that happens... :).

BUT! If the C-t: command could be passed to ratpoison as command-line
options, then the various X startup files could be modified to include
the custom binding, and there would be no conffile at all!

 Gergely Nagy \ mhp/|8]
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