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Re: [RP] Getting Through and Locking XTerm Width

From: Nikolai Weibull
Subject: Re: [RP] Getting Through and Locking XTerm Width
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 00:04:51 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.8i

Shawn Betts, April 9:

> Nikolai Weibull writes:

> > Is there a way to lock the width/size of an XTerm so that I can have it
> > in a frame that is wider than 132 columns, but the XTerm will remain 132
> > columns wide?  I generally work with an XTerm and a Firefox open in a
> > single frame on my desktop.  I like my Firefox being wide, but I don't
> > want my XTerm any wider than 132 columns.

> First, why do you want to do this?

Well, I really hate having my XTerm all the way to the left of my screen
for no good reason.  132 columns is enough for me (80 was enough for me
for almost 10 years now, and I just recently took the plunge and
switched over to 132.  Having a wider XTerm is slower and weirder...)

> Second, here's a possible solution:

> here's a script that adjusts the right edge of ratpoison's display
> area when the current window is an XTerm:
> CUR=`$RATPOISON -c "windows %s,%c" | grep '\*'`
> if [ x$CUR = 'x*,XTerm' ]; then
>     $RATPOISON -c "defpadding 0 0 100 0"
> else
>     $RATPOISON -c "defpadding 0 0 0 0"
> fi
> then in your .ratpoisonrc file add this:
> addhook switchwin exec /path/to/above/script

Haha, that is a freaking (I wanted to use a swearword along those lines
instead, but I restrained myself) sweet solution.  Thanks,

Nikolai Weibull: now available free of charge at http://bitwi.se/!
Born in Chicago, IL USA; currently residing in Gothenburg, Sweden.

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