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[Texmacs-dev] Re: texmacs, guile, cygwin

From: Marciano Siniscalchi
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] Re: texmacs, guile, cygwin
Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 09:40:59 -0400

Hi Joris and address@hidden,

have you set the GUILE_LOAD_PATH variable? I know the Guile docs (esp. the README file) imply that you only need to set it if you are *not* installing Guile (i.e. if your Guile tree is off your root directory), but TeXmacs needs that variable anyway.

BTW: in Guile 1.4.1, the infamous "and-let*.scm" is now called "and-let-star.scm", so Guile 1.4.1. compiles right out of the box on Cygwin! Also, you can now install XFree86 on Cygwin using Cygwin's own graphical installer.

Thus, right now, the installation instructions for Cygwin are much simpler than they used to be:

1. Download the Cywgin installer, "setup.exe", from www.cygwin.com
2. Use setup.exe to install a (basic) Cygwin system, plus tetex (all packages, including the texmf tree) and XFree86. This is all "point and click".
3. Grab the sources for Guile >= 1.4.1 and TeXmacs
4. For Guile: untar, "./configure; make; make install".
5. For Texmacs: untar, "./configure; make STATIC_TEXMACS; make INSTALL"
6. Set GUILE_LOAD_PATH to wherever you have installed Guile.
7. texmacs &

I guess it would now be a good time to produce Cygwin packages for Guile and TeXmacs, so that steps 3-6 can be skipped. IMHO, running TeXmacs should be a sufficient reason to install Cygwin/Xfree...

I am unable to do so at this time, but it would be great if somebody were to take the plunge...

Also, if anybody is willing to reproduce the above steps, it would be very useful.

Joris---it would be nice to have TeXmacs use DLLs, but this requires substantial tinkering with the Makefile's. Generating Win32 DLL's directly from gcc does not appear to be possible at this time.


At 10:48 AM 5/29/2002 +0200, Joris van der Hoeven wrote:

On Wed, 29 May 2002 address@hidden wrote:

> texmacs
> cygwin (latest)
> guile 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2 (i tested all three)
> So i did ./configure, make, make install for
> guile and texmacs. I compiled texmacs with static library,
> since with dynamic library there was an error.
> Now when i launch texmacs under cygwin/xfree86 i get :
> Fatal error : guile seems not to be installed on your system in 'install_texmacs'
> Any idea ?


Thanks for your feedback. I fowarded the message to Marciano,
who ported TeXmacs to Cygwin. Maybe that he can help you.
Best wishes,


Joris van der Hoeven <address@hidden>
http://www.texmacs.org: GNU TeXmacs scientific text editor
http://www.math.u-psud.fr/~vdhoeven: personal homepage

Marciano Siniscalchi Department of Economics, 309 Fisher Hall
tel: (609) 258-4024  Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544-1021
fax: (609) 258-6419  http://www.princeton.edu/~marciano

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