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Re: [Texmacs-dev] Tikz

From: Daniel Bump
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] Tikz
Date: Fri, 21 May 2021 13:40:47 -0700

> Tikz is not part of TeXmacs, so the way it work depends
> on your environment and in particular on the particular
> LaTeX distribution that you are using.  If your colleague
> has 'Insert -> Fold -> Executable -> Tikz', contrary to you,
> then this probably means that the 'latex' binary is somehow
> not in your path when launching TeXmacs.  You can check by
> launching a shell session from inside TeXmacs and
> doing 'which latex'.  Beware that you don't necessarily
> have the same environment when using the TeXmacs application
> or when launching TeXmacs from within 'Terminal'.

Thank you for your reply.

But this seems not to be the explanation.

I started a shell from within texmacs with
Insert -> Session -> Shell. Then 'which latex'
correctly shows the path to /Library/TeX/texbin/latex.
And I'm able to pdflatex a file containing tikz
from within the shell.

I also ran 'echo $PATH' from within the shell. I


/Library/TeX/texbin is within this path (twice).


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