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Re: Feature branches review please

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: Re: Feature branches review please
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 2020 22:00:57 +0000
User-agent: Alpine 2.22 (NEB 394 2020-01-19)

This has been discussed at length earlier: it is in practice impossible to calculate the height of the minibuffer, and to calculate the size of the completion candidates list to insert in the minibuffer. Yet you need to do both to have a correct solution with the approach of the branch.

With the current display code on `master`, I don't think the behaviors you refer to can qualify as incorrect.

Which is why I said, in the two previous mails, "not 100% correct" and "not always correct". I did not think it was necessary to repeat "always" here.

You can argue that they are less often preferable than some other choice, but that's a far cry from incorrect, IMO, and then should be fairly uncommon. So it's definitely not very high priority and shouldn't decide whether we install a particular version of the code right now.

My point is that now that `(setq icomplete-separator "\n")' works (in most but not all cases), there is no need for the specific vertical-icomplete implementation anymore. What is (or could be) needed is an implementation that is "more correct" (correct in all cases).

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