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Re: [glob2-devel] Gradients (again)

From: Andrew Sayers
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Gradients (again)
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 23:33:24 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.10i

The thing is that resource consumption isn't constant.  Things like
putting a guard area out to sea or in places that discourage them from
training on a race track, significantly decrease resource consumption.
That strikes me as micromanagement, which we shouldn't be encouraging.

A solution that could give the impression of a bustling colony while
reducing the unnecessary load would be to have idle workers do jobs like
protecting borders or exploring.  Then again, I've no idea how that
could be implemented.

Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, the IRC development channel
#globulation2 is now archived at:

        - Andrew

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