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Re: [glob2-devel] why the big hurry to make release candidate official?

From: Kieran P
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] why the big hurry to make release candidate official? (was: Well, we have a plan then.)
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 17:41:49 +1200

Why the hurry to make the release candidate official?

I'm rushing the RC with the purpose of fixing the critical repair bugs and other few that Bradley fixed, which crash a game (whether multiplayer or single player). Repair is so commonly used, it cant be left too long, or we could loose a lot of players.

Why not some testing first?  A week of at least half a dozen people
actually using the release candidate would be a good idea, especially
because the hope is that 0.8.23 will be usable for many months.  This
testing should be done from the .tar.gz, not from CVS, to help make
sure that what will go to the world will be okay.

With the recent bug day, I and a few others did some testing, and found a few bugs which have been sorted. Overall, the release is now playable.

Anyway, I have some crashing bugs that need to be filed in the bug
tracker and checked out.  Please give me some time to do so.

Your memory bug is one I do not experience. It may be something to do with your OS?
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