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Re: [Help-liquidwar6] Four levels and some talk

From: Christian Mauduit
Subject: Re: [Help-liquidwar6] Four levels and some talk
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2009 22:26:15 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.15

Hi again,

On Sat, September 19, 2009 5:59 pm, Kasper Hviid wrote:
> Here's a few levels, mostly to show what those layers can do. Some of
> them might be updated later, but I felt like uploading something.
Here's a little movie I took (ugly & crappy, yes, I used a camera, too
lazy video capture ;) ) of one of your recent levels. Zoom & scroll! Note
the new "Esc" button and the time in the top right corner. Next thing to
implement are the "discs" suggested by Tim Anderson. Should be fairly easy
to implement, there's a gluPartialDisc function that does it almost out of
the box.

Have a nice day,


Christian Mauduit <address@hidden> - ___ __/\__
Liquid War 6 -     / _")\~ \~/
"Les amis de la vérité sont ceux qui la cherchent et non _/ /   /_ o_\
ceux qui se vantent de l'avoir trouvée" - Condorcet     (__/      \/

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