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Re: [RP] Thanks

From: Mike Meyer
Subject: Re: [RP] Thanks
Date: Thu Oct 11 08:47:06 2001

Kapil Hari Paranjape <address@hidden> types:
> Thanks for Ratpoison. Now that version 1.0 has come out maybe we
> don't want or need any features! All the same...

Ratpoison - except for one major missing feature - is pretty much the
window manager I envisioned as perfect in the late 80s.  There are
some minor variations, but it's otherwise very close.  I managed to
work around that one feature while providing the screen-like
"disconnect and reconnect" feature, so I'll probably not look back. So
not only thank you, but gods bless you.

> Currently cut and paste requires the rodent. Can we somehow manage
> without *a la* screen?

This (like saving sessions) isn't something that ratpoison can do
because of the way X works. Cut and paste are application items, so
each application has to be tweaked to support them. For xterm, I use:

# XTerm
XTerm*VT100.Translations:    #override Alt <Key> Up: scroll-back(1,page) \n\
                        Alt <Key> Down: scroll-forw(1,page) \n\
                        Alt <Key> Left: scroll-back(1,line) \n\
                        Alt <Key> Right: scroll-forw(1,line) \n\
                        Alt <Key> \<: scroll-back(1000, page) \n\
                        Alt <Key> \>: scroll-forw(1000, page) \n\
                        Alt <Key> Y:insert-selection(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n

I can't select without the mouse - not sure that's possible in xterm -
but this binds Alt-Y to paste, and also binds the scrolling actions to
keys as well.

Cutting and pasting from another frame into xterm works particularly
well, as I put the focus on the xterm, then select, paste with the
keyboard, and repeat as needed.

Mike Meyer <address@hidden>                     http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Q: How do you make the gods laugh?              A: Tell them your plans.

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