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Re: [RP] Thanks

From: Mike Meyer
Subject: Re: [RP] Thanks
Date: Thu Oct 11 17:27:05 2001

address@hidden types:
> The common X program for doing stuff externally is "xwit" (part of X
> "contrib" from years back.)  However:

Actually, the one that came to my mind was "window", which is from the
author of lwm, the other window manager I run.

> > What *I* would like is the ability to paste into rp's input bar. Most
> > often, it's because I'm looking at a URL in a flat text file, and want
> > to open a browser on it. I'm not sure that could be done with those X
> > programs.
> To a first approximation, just have a "browse cutbuffer url" menu
> option somewhere, of the form

I realized that when I wrote the text, and have been contemplating how
I want to add it. However, that doesn't change that pasting text into
the input bar would be nice.

> netscape $(xprop -root -notype CUT_BUFFER0|sed -e 's/CUT_BUFFER0 = //')
> (or netscape-remote -command openURL(...)  if you don't have the
> wrapper that does it automatically.)  In otherwords, for this
> particular case, you don't need to get the URL to RP - you just need
> to get it to the browser...

Netscape is reserved for those sites that fail to work with either
skipstone or w3m - which is to other browsers what rp is to other
window managers - in my standard configuration. After which I delete

> (using CUT_BUFFER0 explicitly is a little crude, but I can't find a
> non-openwindows version of xv_get_sel; xclipboard and xcutsel are both
> gui programs.)

Window does this, and the Docs include the description of using it to
invoke Netscape.

However, it has the unfortunate property of making rp say "ERROR:
BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)". I don't see the string
"BadWindow" anywhere in the ratpoison sources :-(. If you want to see
the source, it should be findable at <URL:
http://users.ch.genedata.com/~enh/ >.

Mike Meyer <address@hidden>                     http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Q: How do you make the gods laugh?              A: Tell them your plans.

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