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Re: [Help-liquidwar6] Liquid War 6 eye candy

From: Kasper Hviid
Subject: Re: [Help-liquidwar6] Liquid War 6 eye candy
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 14:14:31 +0200

On Sat, September 26, 2009 1:32 am, Timothy Anderson wrote:
> I've been wondering if you were planning on tinkering any more with
> the way the "liquid" looks in LW 6. I liked the way it looked in 5
> better. It had more of a granular look to it. Understandably you
> wouldn't want it to look too "granular", but the way it is at the
> moment makes everything look like it's meant for a smaller resolution.

LW5 also had low resolution fighters - but since the background was
low-res too, it didn't seem so appearent. The high resolution of the
LW6 backgrounds sadly calls attension to the low resolution of the

I have succeded running at fighter-scale 3 or 2 instead of 4. But
lowering the fighter-scale is a nasty trick, since it requires some
real mean hardware. Also, the fighters seems to take breaks from time
to time.

Fighter-scale 3 looks like this:

I think it should be possible for the user to adjust the game to fit
whatever his hardware can take ... so far, the requirements is a
combination of what the level designer decides, combined with the
users screen res. Also, when multiplayer is up and running, it would
be nice if the players were able to see which of the hosted games
would fit their hardware.

But I think that fighter-scale 4 can be made to look pretty good, with
the right programming. I'll try to turn my brain on, see if anything
pops up.

 - Kasper

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