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Re: DOCS: include a sample "Makefile"?

From: John Mandereau
Subject: Re: DOCS: include a sample "Makefile"?
Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 12:55:08 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090320)

Jonathan Kulp a écrit :
Thanks for looking at this, John. I've gone through the two makefiles and updated according to your advice, and have also made changes based on recommendations in the GNU Make Manual, such as specifying the shell and defining unusual utilities in variables (viewer as "acroread" in this case). I found that the only situation where && did not work in place of ; was in the "for" loop I use in creating the parts of the stamitz symphony.
I had not read the makefile for Stamitz symphony. Peter made sensible remarks and proposal, here are also some detailed comments you could play with. Note that I might be mistaken
with which subdirectory contain which input or output file.

MASTER_FILE might be clearer

LILY_CMD=lilypond -ddelete-intermediate-files -dno-point-and-click
MAKE_SCORE=cd Scores && $(LILY_CMD) $(FILE).ly
MAKE_PARTS=cd Parts && for LILYFILE in *.ly ; do $(LILY_CMD) "$$LILYFILE" ; done
Shell loops can often be replaced with source wildcards and pattern rules, which takes advantage of several make implementations (including GNU), especially concurrency: with the increasing number of multi-core CPUs present in computers (even recent Intel Atoms in netbooks have two cores), this really matters. I propose to address this with targets 'first' to 'fourth' below. Of course '-j' option should be used to enable parallel building.

.PHONY: parts midi
It misses score and possibly other target names.

This should the generic PDF rule below (so you no longer need MAKE_SCORE),
and DELIVER_SCORE and PREVIEW are used only once, so you can avoid
defining them too (DELIVER_SCORE is even no longer necessary with the pattern rule):


score:  $(OUTDIR)/$(FILE).pdf

        $(PREVIEW)$(VIEWER) $< &


$(LILY_CMD) Scores/$(FILE)
mv $(FILE)I.pdf $(OUTDIR)/
$(VIEWER) $(OUTDIR)/$(FILE)I.pdf &
You define this command sequence four times, which is not very maintainable.
I suggest something like the following — it's untested, I leave softening rough edges
and checking whether it uses GNU extensions up to you.


$(OUTDIR)/%.pdf: Scores/
        $(LILY_CMD) $<
        mv $*.pdf $(OUTDIR)
        $(VIEWER) $@

# necessary to include newline in the variable value

define movement_pdf_target

mv$(1): $(OUTDIR)/$(FILE)$(1).pdf



# define targets mvI ... mvIV

# maybe need to be surrounded by $(eval ...)

$(foreach m, MOVEMENTS, $(call movement_pdf_target,$(m))

parts: $(foreach m, MOVEMENTS, mv$(m))


Also, some people prefer not to call the viewer by default, but that's personal taste and depends on your viewer. One possibility is to enclose viewer commands within a 'ifneq ($(NOAUTOVIEW),)' block, so that viewer calls can be disabled
by calling "make NOAUTOVIEW=1 ...".

Finally, the makefile misses mention of some input file prerequisites, e.g. Notes/*.ly.
Here's a starting point:

INCLUDED_LYS = $(wildcard Notes/*.ly)



Happy makefile hacking,

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