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Re: [XBoard-devel] Installer

From: Eric Mullins
Subject: Re: [XBoard-devel] Installer
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 16:00:24 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

h.g. muller wrote:
Lack of a smart bundling strategy is the prime cause of the decline of WinBoard amongst Windows users. They move
to other GUIs that do provide all-in-one. People demand that nowadays.

I'm not sure I agree with that.  What evidence is there?

I know winboard has declined in popularity among players on chess servers. In that demographic, the problem isn't bundling, but that the opposition is more appealing, generally more intuitive, and more cross-platform (babas works great in wine). That's not going to change no matter what how we bundle winboard. Jin and BabasChess pretty much dominate the free category, and there is Arena too.

For running engines on a chess server, winboard is still very popular for casual users. The only other reasonable choices for them are ChessPartner and Arena. Those running winboard already may even decide there's too much hassle to switch to 4.4.0 because it's set up so differently from the way they currently run. I personally know a few people who have tried 4.4.0, and are back to running 4.2.7. I haven't asked them why-- I guess I should. Again, a bundling strategy isn't going to change much here.

Some advanced engine operators may run winboard. But I think icsdrone and xboard are a lot more popular for advanced 24/7 types. There are several custom icsdrone versions out there, most of which you would never know were icsdrone at all. Nobody in this category is going to change how they operate.

Who else is there? Just people who play against engines. I don't have the foggiest idea about this group, but I suspect almost nobody uses winboard, nor have any desire to. They use chessmaster, chessbase, shredder, doesn't rybka have a gui?

Face it. Winboard is an advanced program for relatively advanced users. You can try to make it easier for them by bundling, but I don't think that's really the job of the winboard project. And I don't see it having any significant impact on "winboard market share." I'm not sure that's really a concern of the winboard project anyway.

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